Intimate Steamy Home Session in Amsterdam

Stepping out of comfort zones and trying new things out should be a subject in school.
When Nina, Thib and I decided to work together, I had a very specific thing in mind and that was to create a session where what we would show, was going to be genuine feelings and comfort at home. A “soft” version of an intimate steamy session.

Nina & Thib were all in.

One of the most important things in photographing people, is connection. I say it all the time, and will keep on saying it till the end of my career.
Connection makes everything smoother and real. It erases all traces of pretending. Everything turns into raw feelings.

We started off with some beers, with a chit chat. Life, covid, wedding planning (they had just gotten engaged a few weeks before the session)… and then we dove right into the session.

A steamy session, an intimate one, all about them, their home together and the love they have built.

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